Youth Organizing Institute is the winner of the 2014 Beehive small grant of $2,000. YOI is a leadership development program centered on empowering the lives and experiences of young people through peer education, leadership cultivation and organizer training. Locally, YOI leaders have been successful organizing around ending racism and the re-segregation of schools, the school-to-prison pipeline and making schools safe for LBGTQ youth. 

YOI’s work with area youth provides skills to directly address all of the components of the Beehive Collective's small grant focus: Women’s Empowerment (based on UN guidelines). YOI has a track record of graduating strong young women who take direct leadership roles organizing in our community. The Beehive grant will go to support women participants of their Freedom School summer program. 

Request for Proposal Theme: Raleigh non-profit that address women’s empowerment through services or advocacy.